The Servant King

“For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.” Romans 13:6.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life–a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45.

Did you know that you are a servant of God’s? As you carry out your work for your constituents, and serve the people, whether that be of a city, county, state, or nation, you are serving the Lord.

In Romans 13, we learn that government is an institution of God’s. He created it, not for Himself, but for us. It serves us. And as a governing authority, God has put you in a place to serve people. You are His minister, His worker.

A key part in any follower of Christ’s walk with Him is knowing who they are. As a governing authority, it is important to know who you are in Christ, and a part of your identity is being a servant.

To many that is not very flattering. If we are honest, we truly enjoy being served more than serving others. However, we all know this truth, when we push ourselves to serve other people we find great reward. It is fulfilling, and we desire to do more. Serving helps connect us with the Lord. And that is because Jesus, Himself, loves to serve.

Jesus is the King of the Universe. He holds all power and all glory. He will forever reign, and there is no election that can take that away from Him. Yet, when this all-powerful king came to live among us, He did not demand to be served, rather this King came to serve.

As you carry out your work as a minister of government, look to your heavenly King. Look to the heart in which He ruled. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life–a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45.

In John 13, Jesus models this heart of service to His disciples by washing their feet. The king of the universe got down on His hands and knees and washed the disciples dirty, and probably smelly feet. This was the pattern of His life. He fed them, and many others. He healed the sick. He met people where they were at. He gave His entire life to serving people, and it ended with His final act of service by dying a horrific and gruesome death on the cross for a people who largely scorned Him, mocked Him, and beat Him.

As you seek to carry out your important work, there will be days it is hard. There will be days you feel under-appreciated. You will wonder if it is worth it. Then other days, you may feel like a really big deal. You will think more highly of yourself than you ought. It is part of the human condition. On these days, and every day, look to the Cross. Look to Jesus and His example, as a servant king.

Read John 13:1-17.