The Kingdom

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Many have referred to the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus’ manifesto for kingdom living. It certainly is a call to a radical lifestyle such as the world has never seen. With a proper focus on the kingdom of God, we will live in a nation that can care for those who are hurting and still have an abundance. This will happen not because the government has man- dated (that has never worked) but because we are seeking first that which is eternal and are then content to allow the Lord to provide everything else that we need.


Commit yourself in prayer to seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness.

Pray for that spirit of seeking God to pervade the church in America.


Lord Jesus, I commit myself this day to seeking Your kingdom and Your righteousness. With all that is in me, I long to experience Your rule over my life. May that same desire permeate the church in America. Give us seeking hearts that will not be content with anything less than You and Your kingdom in our lives. With that firmly in place, help us to trust You to provide for us in every way. Help our nation to be set free from a grasp- ing materialism that is never satisfied and never secure. May our national motto In God we trust become a way of life for America.

Adapted from Desperate for Change, PrayerShop Publishing, 2012. The full devotional is available for purchase at