Thank You for the Gift of the Spirit, Lord!

I have had more than one occasion in my life when a new acquaintance or one of my small business customers and I connected on a very personal level and the individual surprised me with a very fitting, much appreciated gift. Friends have done the same thing when they saw something that made them think of me. None of these gifts were for occasions or for anything I did, but rather each was a small outpouring of love on the part of the other person. As you can imagine, such gifts are received with enthusiasm and joy.

Often we hear of the “fruits of the Spirit”, which are the result of a Jesus follower living a Spirit-filled life. Today I would like to stop and thank the Lord for the actual gift of the indwelling Spirit, without which I would not bear the fruits. I cannot earn the gift of the Holy Spirit, but I can enthusiastically and joyfully accept that gift. In Acts 2: 17-21, Peter reminded the crowd of the words of Joel,

“…God says,

I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy…

Even on my servants, both men and women,

I will pour out my Spirit in those days,

and they will prophesy….

And everyone who calls

on the name of the Lord will be saved.’”

Thank you, Lord, for counting me as your daughter! How incredible is it that you pour out your Spirit on all believers. I don’t have to have any special training….any special status….I just need to call on the name of the Lord and believe…and be saved! Thank you for the undeserved gift of the Spirit, which guides me, corrects me, and empowers me to share your love and live a more Christ-like life. Help me to be led by the Spirit in my words, my actions, and the manner in which I treat others. Help me to be gracious in my display of the Spirit, which has been poured out on me. Praise God! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

by Deb Russell