Praying from Psalm 5

LORD, in this treacherous time, we worship you! You are our King and our God! In reverence, we bow down in adoration to you alone who is perfectly righteous and boundless in love.

O Lord, in the morning you will hear my voice; in the morning direct my prayer to you, and I will watch expectantly. Turn our hearts from evil, pride, boasting, deceit, impurity and lying. Those who practice evil cannot stand in your presence.

Lead us O LORD in your righteousness, because of our enemies; make your way straight before us! Teach us by your Word and the Holy Spirit. We are still before you, and we ask for supernatural understanding, revelation, knowledge and wisdom in these days. We long to seek first the kingdom of God.  Grant understanding of what your kingdom work is for us today. We do not battle against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. We ask for divine power to break strongholds and to cast down any argument that is hostile to God Almighty. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Those who take refuge in you are glad and sing for joy. You surround them with your favor and spread your protection over them. We rejoice in you!

In Jesus name, Amen


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