
1 Samuel 18:1 “As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”


The relationship between Jonathan and David is the best example the Bible gives us of friendship. Theirs was one built on sacrifice, loyalty, and transparency.


Sacrifice  Jonathan acknowledged that God had appointed David as the future king of Israel and not himself, as his birthright would have suggested. Instead of lashing out in jealousy or anger, Jonathan gave David his armor and even the robe off his back. In place of sulking and bitterness, he looked out for David and worked to protect God’s calling on his life.


Loyalty  Throughout their friendship, Jonathan’s father, King Saul, actively tried to kill David. Many times Jonathan interceded and pleaded David’s innocence to his father. When that didn’t work Jonathan made sure to get word to David of his father’s plans.


Transparency  David and Jonathan were very open with each other. 1 Samuel 20:41 says the two men wept together when Jonathan shared the news that King Saul intended to kill David. This shows that they kept no secrets and were also comfortable enough to express their true emotions.


God knew that we would need companions. The Holy Spirit is more than enough for us, but God, in His all-encompassing love, gave us friends to sustain us for this life. Are we thanking Him for this special gift and honoring Him through these relationships?


Thank you, God, for knowing the needs and desires of my soul. Thank you for the many ways you provide for me and show your faithfulness. You are truly a good, good Father. May I follow the Biblical example of friendship found with Jonathan and David and practice sacrifice, loyalty, and transparency in all my friendships. Amen.