
Somtimes we think let someone else do it when God is calling us to do something and it and if you really have faith you would say thank you God for giving me this opportunity but most people think why me why not somebody else for I am the underdog but God uses the underdog as his instrument to get to the world so when God tells us to do something we should say thank you God for giving us this opportunity and we should go and do what he is calling us and telling us to do for God is the one that gives us our breath and our heartbeat is his heartbeat and if we did not do what he is calling us to do we have no meaning in life for without him we do not live so when he is calling us to do something we should do it and we should make disciples for him we do that we will all live a great and happy life but if we do not do that our life will not be fruitful and when we do these days we will have joy in Christ and always remember Joy Jesus others you and if you do that you will live a fruitful life but without doing that you will not live a fruitful life.