For Angie

Father, please allow her ears to be open to Your call. Today is the day of salvation. Salvation comes by no other name for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. Jesus is the name. Father, for every technician on our job, help them to surrender to Jesus. Their eternity depends on You. Father, for those in positions of authority, their salvation depends on You. Every single knee will bow. Every single tongue will confess. Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. For all of my neighbors, I pray for salvation. Lord, I pray that they will open their hearts. We can’t run from You. You said if we make our bed in hell You are there. All things are naked and open before You. Jesus, help us to stop sewing fig leaves to hide behind. Help us to walk in the light because in You there is no darkness at all. We say let God arise and His enemies be scattered in Jesus name!!!