Prayer Journal

Lord God, we pray for all who you have called to serve in our government from the President to Congress, in the Capitol and the White House, and across the courts of our nation. Grant them a heart to seek you and serve under your authority. Amen.

01 / 20
Intercede for Those in Authority

Comforter, may your presence draw near to those who are struggling with depression, confusion, and/or suicidal thoughts as a result of aborting their child.

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Pray for the Brokenhearted…

Today, pray that God’s people will focus their attention on God as the Giver of Life and worship Him! Pray that the Church will fulfill their role to value and protect human life from conception to natural death. Each person possesses inherent dignity and immeasurable worth created by God.

National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

“From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.” John 1:16

01 / 18
Give Thanks

Pray for the Israeli soldiers and their families. Pray for protection, spiritual understanding, and a complete reliance upon the God of their ancestors.

Pray for Israel

Father, we pray for the saints to patiently endure in these difficult times. May they faithfully walk like Jesus with goodness, knowledge, self-control, godliness, and brotherly affection with love. All glory be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Pray for the Saints

Pray that God will open the eyes of each generation to the truth of His word which is perfect and endures forever. May this generation and the next not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of their minds.



Pray for the Next Generation

Father God, we give you thanks today for our daily bread. You are faithful to provide every one of our spiritual and physical needs according to your riches in Christ Jesus. In His name, Amen.

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Pray that all local, state, and federal government leaders would make wise decisions about laws and restrictions on abortion. Pray that leaders would truly lead with integrity and courage toward creating a more just society that always seeks first to protect the life of the unborn.


“This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent —Jesus Christ” (John 17:3). Let us acknowledge Jesus’ Lordship in our life and respond by loving Him wholeheartedly and loving our neighbor as ourselves.

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Eternal Life

Pray for God’s shepherds to be encouraged by the Holy Spirit to go and bear much fruit and to sacrificially love others by sharing the Gospel and making lifelong disciples.

Pray for Pastors

“For the wellspring of life is with you. By means of your light we see light” (Psalm 36:9). Pray for a boldness in each believer to declare the light of Truth and dispel any darkness that comes against the kingdom of God advancing in your family and community.

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Pray for Your Community

Pray for the mobilization of pastors to fill the halls and offices of government with the teachings of Jesus. Pray for pastors to see the value of Christ-centered transformation through shepherd to shepherd relationships and the gift of prayer and the word of God.


Pray that governing officials and their families would be protected physically and granted spiritual understanding. We pray that those who abide in Christ will be full of light and bear much fruit.

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Pray for Governing Authorities

May God’s people rise up and intercede for the incoming government within their state. Let each of us come to the throne of grace in our time of need making an appeal to the God of Heaven and ask Him to pour out His righteousness from above upon the governing officials in our state and community.

Gather at the Gate