The Gospel

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While

we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

When we were at our worst and most unlovable, God’s amazing love stepped in. Without an understanding of ourselves as sinners, completely unlovable, we will never understand or accept the cross. The good news (gospel) is that because we are sinners, God, in the most daring act of love the universe has ever seen, sent His Son to take the penalty for our sin. Love for God and for our nation will cause us to proclaim the real gospel to those who desperately need to hear.


Thank the Lord for demonstrating His great love for you while you were still a sinner.

Pray for the preachers of America to fearlessly proclaim the Word of God regarding sin and God’s love.

Lord, I am in awe of Your amazing love that reached out to me while I was yet a sinner. Thank You for that good news! I ask that Christians around this nation would speak and live out the truth of the gospel daily. I pray for preachers who would stand fearlessly in their pulpits and proclaim the truth of Your Word concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment. Help us never to separate Your love from our desperate sinfulness.

Adapted from Desperate for Change, PrayerShop Publishing, 2012. The full devotional is available for purchase at


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