Revival – The Christian Hearing God’s Word

The church is in perpetual need for revival. Some are lukewarm and in need of fresh and prompt obedience. Both unbelievers on the fringe of the church and those on the outside need to come to Christ. A fresh awareness of the presence of God will bring a revival in some measure.

God certainly does His part in revealing Himself, but we must do our part as well. The practice of the Christian disciplines on a regular basis is important to our spiritual vitality.

God gave us two ears so apparently He desires that we hear. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 2:13, “they heard from us.” Acts 2:41 says, “those who accepted his message were baptized.” In Revelation 2 & 3, Jesus repeatedly says, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says in the churches.” Again Jesus is speaking and says, “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear” (Matthew 13:16).

Genuine spiritual listening and hearing always comes into a person through a receptive heart. In addition to studying, reading, meditating and memorizing the Word, we must consistently be devoted to hearing God’s Word. We do this by devoting time and submitting to the teaching and preaching of the scripture. Blessing abounds for the Christian who sits under the discipleship of a well studied teacher of God’s Word. Proclamation of the Word and the illumination of it by the Holy Spirit convicts, builds, refreshes, and edifies the heart.

God’s Word gives many examples of how a gifted and committed teacher or preacher proclaimed truth and an individual or a group of people were moved spiritually as their hearts were touched.

Making time in your weekly routine to hear the Word of God is all important! Technology actually can help us do this in our generation as there are more ways to access hearing the truth than there has ever been. Listening in person used to be about the only method. Then came radio and TV. Now we have computers, phones and many forms of being able to listen to the Word. Are you using these avenues? Do you regularly listen and hear God’s Word?

If your heart is as good soil, then Jesus said you would hear, understand, and produce a crop (Matthew 13:23).

If every Christian would do this then there would be a renewed sense of revival. God’s presence would be realized, believers would be edified and sinners converted. Each of us is a piece of this great picture puzzle called the church. When you do your part, the picture is better. God will always do His part!

Prayer: Oh God, please help me to be a responsible and disciplined follower of you. Do not let me be comfortable with ignoring the regular hearing of your Word. Amen.

by Dave Childers



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